What do you really want to say to mom?

Previous generations believe that everything was better in the past and their approach to life is the best option, but let’s face it, the old way just doesn’t work anymore.

This is a safe space ,right? Ok, great. We’ve been wanting to tell mom (and grandma) how much we don’t like her “famous” pound cake or her seasonal potpourri but haven’t been able to get the courage to tell her. You know how you send your younger sibling to handle the dirty work - well, maybe it’s time for Oatly to ruffle some feathers.

Inspired and curated by social media, our art direction displays comments said behind your matriarch’s back from Twitter users on the side of the Oatly milk cartons. In addition to our OOH effort, we’ll curate billboards with thought-provoking sayings. This is aimed to encourage younger generations to be comfortable with the way they’re approaching life. Furthermore, this campaign encourages people to convey what they’ve wanted to articulate for years to their matriarch - let Oatly say it for you.

Let Oatly say it for you.


Let Oatly say it for you. 〰️