Adopt a dog so Ikea can Doggie Proof your home.

Why not adopt a dog?

People do not want dogs as pets because they think that dogs will chew on their owner’s shoes, drool, and even scratch up their furniture.

The idea is to provide a furniture/household item incentive and an interior designer partnership.


Create a line of chew/drool/scratch-resistant furniture and household products. The incentive is to adopt a dog, and Pedigree will send an interior designer to your home and “dog proof” your home with all new Ikea furniture from the Doggie Proof products.

Ikea In-store Partnership:

There will be a Doggie Proof in-store display for people to view, adopt the furry friends and “test out” the furniture.

Doggie Proof with Idea


Doggie Proof with Idea 〰️